Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 9 (of 14)

I've given myself a bit of a 'talking to' because I was letting a few little things creep in which is silly because I didn't need them but I was just being lazy.

I feel much better now and can't believe how well I can do when I focus.
I need to be super organised and its easy (well not easy but EASIER).

I've FINALLY been to the loo and feel a whole lot lighter which the scales are also telling me and I was 700 grams down from yesterday morning's weigh in.

I'm doing this 'shake' thing in support of a very good friend (which I have mentioned before) and I must say she is doing BRILLIANTLY and I am blown away by her dedication. Her mother (also another friend) is also doing it in support of her girl and is also 'creaming it'!.

Hi girls *big waves*, so excited for you.

Our visitors which were going to arrive yesterday (after our 1st lost of visitors left at 4pm last night) are now coming on Thursday which is great as it will give me a bit of time to get my house back in order before they arrive.

I took Reece out for the day today (Adam's turn tomorrow) and we did the usual McDonalds (him not me) and then he wanted to go shopping as he got some money from his cousin and Nanny in Australia he wanted to spend. He definatley takes after his Mum as we were out for about 3 hours going from shop to shop and he loved every minute of it. I'm taking Adam out tomorrow but he will walk into the 1st shop he see's, grab something and want to come home (just like his father..haha).

Right I've had over 2 litre's of water today and need to go to the loo again (visit 760) so I'll love ya and leave ya for tonight.


Jenny said...

Thanks Rachel for the comments :) You are doing weel....you will succeed too I'm sure. It's not easy though balancing work, kids, visitors, home life and trying to lose weight all at the same time....been there, done that, LOL
Have a great day :)

Anne said...

I know how easy it is to start slipping the odd mouthful here and there, and they do count!

Lovely to get that one on one time with your boys:-)