Monday, March 29, 2010

All approved

Heard back from Southern Cross that I get a $5,000 one off payment towards my op (yeah!) plus I'm also having a tubular ligation at the same time and all of this cost is covered (double yeah!)..............might as well do as much as he can while he's in there eh......LOL

I've also applied and got approved my leave for May. I am only taking 8 days (with a weekend inbetween) as I only work part time (sitting at a desk) and with David's (surgeon) input he though this would be fine.

I've managed to put on another kilo since going to Hamilton which is a real bummer because I have been trying not to do the 'last supper' thing where I'm eating everything in sight because after May 25th, I'm going to be very limited for quite a while but it is really hard. Bread is my downfall and I know I'm not going to be able to eat much (if not any) of this for at least 6 months and I'm having one of those "losing an old friend" type of thing going on and eat bread more regularly now than in the past.

I have been trying some of the 'therepist' tips which are working quite well.

I'm obviously a HUGE eater and ALWAYS have a second plate of dinner or whatever, so one of the things she said to me was - "after your first plate of food, go and brush your teeth as you won't feel like anything to eat after that" and it works.
Another one was "while making food (dinner or whatever) alway have either a mint or a piece of gum in your mouth and then you won't pick" another brilliant idea.
Amazing how something so simple makes sense but you don't think of it until someone mentions it.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier but my Mum came to the appointments with me and asked David which is the best diet to do (rather than the op) and he said instantly THE SOUTH BEACH DIET. Apparently it combines the Atkins diet with another one (can't think of it right now) and it is the best. He said Weight Watchers is very good but mainly focusses on low fat rather than sugar intake. Sugar intake is as harmful if not more that a fatty diet and he reckons people just don't understand this and are not being told. He reckons if you eliminate sugar from your diet (natural sugars as well - ie sugary fruits) the weight would melt off you (wouldn't that be nice!).
So my Mum has checked the local libraries and bookstores and can't find it, so we are going to either order one or get one off trademe (seems to be a few on there) and she's going to give it a go.

Well the rest of my day consists of taking the lovely hair off from above my lip and dying my rapidly greying hair....hoo hum.


Chris H said...

Yaa it's all on track for you then.
Hair on lip.. sigh.. I must do that too.

FREEDOM said...

the things us gals have to do
wax this puck that shave here moistureise there dye never ends and then we go and get cutt up so we can look slimmer and healthier as well wow but oh boy will we look drop dead gorgious when we finished

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

OMG!!! I didnt relaise you were back girl!!! Woohoo...

Cara the Cupcake said...

Hi Rachel :) Cara here!
Thought I’d say hey! And lord I hate hair removal! We have our awards on Thursday night and I’m waxing, plucking, epilating (yeouch!) and shaving… oh the woes of being a woman!

FREEDOM said...

hey Rachel thanks for comment on my blog. yeah nearly 3 years since the blogger reunion at C.H times flys and things have cheanged in that time.