Monday, September 27, 2010

Weigh in

Last week: 81.8kgs
This week: 80.3kgs
Loss: 1.5kgs (total -29.8kgs)

Wah who! Another great loss, I'm amazed at how the numbers on the scale just keeps going down.......brilliant!

OK - 2 goals for next week - get to 30kgs lost AND be a 70's girl. There is only 200 grams in the first goal and 400 grams in the 2nd.

Can I do it?

YES I CAN.......

I've had a resonable good week. Still the same old problems Water and Exercise but slowly but surely I'm getting better at them both.

It is now school holiday's for the kids and I have my sister-in-law and 2 older nephew's staying which is great as we only see them a couple of times a year.
My youngest nephew (their little brother) is playing rugby for Wairoa in the Ross Shield which is a big thing here in the Hawkes Bay (hubby also played in the Ross Shield when he was 12 or 13 years old). He has to stay with his team but we now have something to do for the next 5 days (go and watch rugby).
My boys are so excited their BIG cousins are staying with us(they are 14 & 15 years old) and have been hassarring them since they arrived.

We also have a dear friend who is visiting from OZ and his kids, plus are also expecting another family (2 addults & 4 kids) at some time over this school holiday period. Busy, busy, busy but I LOVE it, the more the merrier I say.

The weather in the Hawkes Bay today is glorious, my themometer is reading 25 degree's and I have been sitting out on the front deck drinking coffee and reading a magazine...bliss.

Right, I'd better start thinking about something for dinner for them all as I am off to work in a few hours and if I leave the menu to hubby and the boys it will be either pies or


JustJo said...

Fantastic result again! You are doing really well - Awesome stuff!
I will flick you a text on the weekend, and see when you are free to catch up for a coffee??
Not sure what our itinery is like at this stage.... but I am DEFINITELY going to see you!!!
And I will try to remember the next bag of clothes I have sitting here for you!!

FREEDOM said...

another fantastic loss Rachel
and so close to new milestones good effort

Chris H said...

Well done Rachel.
Enjoy your visitors.. as I am TRYING to with mine!
Though I must say I can't wait for them to go home almost as soon as they arrive! *sigh*... cos I NEVER get a break from caring for kids. 31.8 years already.