Monday, December 20, 2010

Weigh in and photo's

Last week: 72.1kgs
This week: 70.3kgs
Loss: 1.8kgs (total -39.8kgs)


Next weeks goals: Hit 40kgs loss (another 200grams).

Doesn't sound like much of a goal BUT it is Christmas week (which will include Xmas dinner) and its 'that' time of the month..........always a challenge.
But hopefully having a challenge will keep me focussed.

Here are a few photo's from last week alone in no particular order

- Hubby making fruit kebabs for 2 of the kids 'shared lunches'

- Adam doing his triathlon (in mid slide) which he came 2nd out of the boys (girls started seperately)

- Reece at his recorder concert

- Adam at his folk dancing concert

- Me going to my work 'do'


Tracy said...

Congratulations on another great loss this week.

You looked great in that dress for your work do, I hope you got lots of nice comments.

Anne said...

Look at you!! You are stunning - well done Rachel:-)

JustJo said...

Holy shit girl - you is teeny tiny!!
And super hot looking too!! *wolf whistles*

Lee-Anne said...

Wow you look fabulous. You gorgeous thing.