Friday, January 09, 2009

Instant Motivation!!

Well I have finally found how to get instant motivation when I'm feeling downhearted.......PUT ON LAST YEARS SWIMSUIT!!!!!!!


Thank god I was at a relatives house because it wasn't a pretty sight.
I've never really been a pretty sight in a swimsuit but this was grotesque. I instantly drank gallons of water and have started back on my shakes......hahaha.

It has been stinking hot here in the sunny Hawkes Bay and I am definately feeling it. The lethargic, excess sweating, chaffing its all back and it ain't pretty people!

So I've gotten my head back in the game and decided to set myself a mini goal.
My Mum gets here in the middle of February (34 days to be exact) which gives me 5 weeks to shed a few kilo's. I have decided to set the bar high and WILL lose 5 kilo's before she come's and if I have she is going to buy me a piece of clothing that I want (might have to be a new swimsuit...LOL).

The weight I want to hit (to achieve my goal) is 98.7kg (yay baby - back in double figures) and I am VERY POSITIVE that I can do it.

I am really loving being back online and reading everyone's blogs again, I've really missed reading what everyone is up to. I really find it helpful to read and hear about all the ups and downs other people are going through which makes me feel a little more 'normal' (wrong word but its the only one I can think of).

Right its stinking hot here and I'm off to hang another load of washing out as well as get the kids off the playstation and outside before they kill each other.


Jules said...

I've got my head back in the game

Did you just quote a high school musical song?? LOL

Margaret said...

Good luck, I'm sure you will succeed with such motivation. Cheers

Anne said...

Great attitude - you will do it Rachel! I agree about the swimsuit thing, that's always an eye opener, been there and done that!

Also I find the support in blogging great, it's the one thing that has kept me going!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Swimsuit will do it every time.... Ikk... I hate wearing bathers!!

Jenny said...

Mmmmmmmn I need a new swimsuit too. Hopefully supporting Jo over the next few weeks will jump start my weight loss again!!! LOL
Have a great week :)