Monday, July 07, 2008


Well the time has come, I'm not keeping up with this blog and I really don't feel like I want to.......not anytime in the near future anyway.

With me leaving work and moving cities I feel like it is a fresh start and I want to focus my energy somewhere else.

I will miss you all and the great support I have received on here and I do hope to pop into your blogs occasionally and catch up.

See ya *big waves*


Kate said...

Completely understand! The blogging world is just not how it used to be. Don't you dare lose touch though!! Are you on Facebook? If not, you'll have to join so you can keep in contact with people i.e. me! LOL.
Excited for you and all the changes happening for you guys!!

Lynda said...

I totally understand - good luck for the future, how exciting having a new start!

Chris H said...

I hope you and the family enjoy your new life on the coast, I will keep in touch via the phone!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

*Bye*.... I do hope you still pop by sometimes!!
good luck with your new life!

Anne said...

Another one of my favourite bloggers bits the dust. Can understand though!

Have fun, keep in touch and say hello to Leenie on Friday from me!!!

Karen said...

Take care Rachel and I do totally understand! Really hoped to have caught up with you (and the others) before the big move and for you to have seen little Rachel... but that's life when everyone is so busy!

Will keep in touch though xxx

The Candid Bandit said...

I completely understand doll. I'm ready to throw in the towel myself.

Best wishes for your thriving new future and your beautiful family. If you do have facebook, please add me too.

Lots of love and thanks for sharing your life with us,

Jules said...

Good luck Rach, thanks for being my friend, keep in touch. I'm also in Facebook if you ever want to look me up.

Lee-Anne said...

Just quickly checking in to see if everything is going well with you in Napier and you're okay.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Hows things going in your new home/job etc....
Any chance of a new blog ,just about life???

Anne said...

I'm thinking the same as Wanna - just a that's life blog would be good. Really miss your catch ups and hearing about the boys.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chubbymum here. Can you email me with your new email? I have only your old work one. CM