Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nearly a year has gone by...........

WOW I haven't updated since last April................can anyone say 'slack arse'.

Well I have made some major decisions since last April (by the way, I am 500g heavier at 107.7kgs now) and the biggest one is that I have decided to have a gastric bypass. With a BMI of 44, I am a perfect candidat (spelling?)and am hoping for big things.

I know of 5 other people who have had it now and all those people are 100% happy with their decision and look and feel 100% better............I want that too.

I have been thinking about it (seriously) for about 4 months but the final push for me was when my mother (who turned 70 years old 4 days ago) returned from Australia and on her second day back I had to take her to weight watchers to re-join (for the 100th plus time) so she could lose the weight she had put back on (for th 100th plus time). I sat there in the car while she went up to re-join and thought to myself "I don't want to be in this same situation when I'm 70!". I turn 40 this year and instead of a big party etc, I'm going to do something for myself and I have researched and put alot of effort into getting to this decision, so bugger it.......I deserve it and I'm going to do it.

Luckily for me I have a very supportive husband and family so there has been no negative's so far. I have my first appointment with the surgeon and his team on the 10th March and can't wait.
I am also working part time now (about 4 months now) and spoke to my boss and he is also very supportive and has no problem giving me time off which is awesome as I haven't accummulated enough yet.

So that's my big news....................never a dull moment in this household.

I'm still loving the Hawkes Bay and everyone (kids, hubby, father) are all settled and really happy. We have been here 2 years now (time fly's ha?) and have made some lovely friends.

Hoping to update more frequently in the future.


JustJo said...

Well, you already know what I think about this decision! WOOO-FREAKEN-HOO!!!!!!
I said it before and I'll say it again - you will NEVER regret it!
Best money I EVER EVER EVER spent :)

Anne said...

Couldn't believe finally an update from you!!

You've obviously given this a lot of thought, you have a supportive man beside you, just got to be the way to go for you. I can understand how you felt seeing your mum go back to WW for another round.

Looking forward to seeing a transforming Rachel!!

Chris H said...

I am thrilled for you.
I too am seriously thinking of WLS, but I am thinking of having a Lap Band. Mainly because it involves less surgery as I have a few risk issues for the Gastric Bypass op.

I have only just started thinking about it for myself though, lots more thinking to go.

I wish you all the best girl!

Janine said...

Hey Rachel,

Congrats on this decision, it will be wonderful to see another person benefit from this surgery and to watch your journey.
Which surgeon are you going with? I can highly recommend David in Hamilton as I am sure Jo and Janene can as well

Anonymous said...

Hey Rach - you have my 100% support baby cakes - I agree you deserve it after battling all your 33 1/3 years - you see I too will be 33 and a third next birthday - LOL you know what I mean. Eternally that age. Chat soon have a great day my lovely friend.
