Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well I managed to put on 2kgs of the 2.7kgs I lost last week......shit shit shit.

Actually I can't really say I'm that upset, more disappointed in myself.
I decided to NOT DRINK A SHAKE at all last week as it was Xmas week and I wasn't going to miss out on any of the yummy food BUT I just needed to NOT eat the amount of yummy food I did (everything in moderation Rachel!!!!!).

So I've pulled my head back in and am 'back on the wagon' so to speak and (of course) feel much better for it.

I have my niece, her hubby and my great nephew staying with us for a few days and as much as I love the little fella (10 months old) I DON'T miss all the running around there is with a baby. I really don't think I would have the energy anymore. I know it has only been 5 years since Adam crashed into our lives (my little darling) but I feel so old and sluggish now (could also be the weight - ya think?).

My other niece (the one that's here - her younger sister) has also just been admitted to hospital 4 days early to have her first child and I must admit the first thing I thought when I heard this was "thank god its not me".........hehehe.

Right that's it from me at the moment (I have a backyard full of kids) best I go and sort things out (I hear nothing which is ALWAYS a bad sign).

A photo of Reece and Adam with their cousin Jordan.


Lyn said...

Hey it's only one week and you'll probably find its just food in your gutt and will come off as quickly as it went on.

As for my loss over Christmas, had a lot to do with first week bliss of weightloss. I'm sure it will not carry on as well as that.

We are pretty close in weights right now ... hmmm might be a challenge coming on?? :p

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh bummer about the gain.. but you are sooo not alone... its a new year coming up... and its going to be a good one...

Anonymous said...

Don't stress over the Christmas gain ... that happens to the best of us!!
*lol* The kids are quiet .... Best go check them ... especially boys!! *lol*
Glad to hear you're back on the wagon!!!