I have lost my voice...........stop laughing, you sound like my kids!
I have had a sore throat for a couple of days but it hasn't come to anything so I have ignored it and last night while sitting there entertaining a friend for dinner it just disappeared.
I was getting a bit croaky after work and when Pam turned up she commented on it ("love the new sexy voice") but within 2 hours it was gone completely.
It is hard enough trying to get my husband and kids to listen to me when I have a voice but now........................
So I am coughing every 30 seconds or so, have a sore throat and oh yeah, my top lip is COVERED in coldsores *pathetic sigh*.
Andrew's words of wisdom this morning was "stay home"???? What's that going to do, I can still work without talking (but the few of you that know me will know how HARD that will be....LOL).
While I'm bitching, here's another thing.
FREE ECE (effective 1/7/07) which is something the Ministry of Education is bringing in for all 3 & 4 your olds which gives parents 20 hours free childcare..............R U B B I S H !!!
Because our daycare centre new this was coming they decided to put their fee's up $20 a week last week, then told us how much we would be saving with the free ece and also told us that effective of 1/7/07 they are also inflicting another $10.00 fee for all 3 & 4 year olds at the centre to cover costs so they can still provide the same level of care for the kids........WTF!
So basically we were paying $181.50 and our new fee will be $120.00 which looks like it is a $61.50 saving (it should have been a $109.00 before they put on their extra on) but then Reece's after school care programme have just put his fee's up an extra $20.00 per week. Which means that in actually fact we are saving $41.50 which I suppose is still something but we THOUGHT we would be saving around $100.00......nothing is ever black and white these days.
Moving on
As I mentioned earlier I had a friend and her kids over for dinner last night and we decided to get pizza. The one I got (the godfather) I worked out was about 4 points a slice (thin crust) so I could have 3 as I had saved most of my points for the day because I new what we would have and that's exactly what I had, 3 slices.
In my past life, I could easily eat a whole pizza (8 slices) to myself on a cheese stuffed base with extra cheese so I was sooooooooo proud of myself for not going crazy. The only downfall to the meal was olives, I absolutely LOVE olives but they HATE me so I suffered all night with integestion (sp?) oh well I suppose it was a small price to pay for a yummy meal. I seriously can't remember the last time I ate pizza and I really enjoyed it but I don't feel the need to eat it again anytime soon.
I am just sitting here at my desk looking at my pump water bottle which I filled yesterday morning (1.25 litre) and it is still HALF FULL. I didn't even manage 700mls all day which is pathetic, I did have a about 500mls last night but that only equates to 1.2ltr all day -------- NOT A GREAT EFFORT.
I can see I'm going to be the butt of people's jokes today because the other lady I work with in our department keeps asking me things so I can answer her and then she cracks up (ha bloody ha) so I have just told her not to bother because I am not going to talk to her for the rest of the day. Small things amuse small minds!
Not a very positive post today I'm sorry but even though I sound totally pathetic, I'm in a great mood and don't look that pathetic......hahaha
It could be worse!! Imagine if you got the cold sores, loss of voice along with the conjunctivitis!! Take care - you poor thing!
Child care - I know our girls are finding the same problem. Takes a huge junk out of your wages.
Oh you poor thing. I hope you get your voice back quickly and it doesn't turn into something a lot worse. I don't think I would bother much with trying to speak at work, a few hand gestures should convey the message. lol
My god, every mothers nightmare... no voice!!! It has happened to me only once I think.... the kids loved it. I hope you get your's back toot sweet.
Awww poor rachel... I wouldnt laugh.... MUCH!!!
Thanks for your encouragement!! :)
Re: Your comment
Just ring your nearest st johns station or go and see them and take it from there. I love it!!!
what was that? speak up I cant hear ya *giggle*
Oh gosh - I hope you are feeling better soon!
Girl they are not allowed to put up the price. The government has rules on that you should check it out and if I am right then put in a partician or something (not sure who you go to) but I am sure that is why my work isn't taking the government scheme... I will send you a copy of what was written in the letter by email ok.
Love CM
I used to lose my voice regularly and I remember one day I came downstairs and said "morning" to my hubby AND NOTHING...NOT A PEEP! Of course he stood there rubbed his hands together and said "GREEEAT"....HeeHee
Another time when my voice went and I forget and I used the phone...heehee I was in the house on my own so had no-one to talk to so just forgot about my voice being gone...teehee that was funny because all I could get out was a squeak, a sort of sorry and then had to hang up.
When the voice goes do you find that it is very hard work to try to croak a few words together? I find it is....heehee
Child care fees are just shocking.
Here in the UK we have to pay the childminder exactly the same even when the kids are on school holidays.....absolute rip off!! Yep unless we give the childminder 1 months notice then we have to pay through holidays, when the child is off school unwell or whatever reason even when the child does not need the childminder for that day, week, month the childminder still has to be paid and the full amount.....RIP OFF BRITAIN!!
Okay have a good day
Hope you get your voice back real soon and that the boys aren't playing up to much for you when you can't talk to them :)
Take care
speak up cant hear you!! LOL SORRY. I've seen my brother go through that and it wasn't fun for him...he felt exhausted from trying to talk/shout and nothing coming out.
take care, take time for you....
I love losing my voice (crazy I know) but bugger that it came with the coldsores and sore throat!! Hope you get better soon!
Daycare can be soooo expensive. When we had #2 it was just not worth me working, was going to cost more in daycare than what I earnt in my job!! How crazy!!!
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