Tuesday, July 20, 2010

80' GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week: 92.3kgs
This week: 89.4kgs
Loss: 2.9kgs (total 20.7kgs)

3 major victories for me this week:

1. I'm an 80's girl and will NEVER go back to the 90's again
2. I hit over 20 kilos lost in 8 weeks
3. I went to Hamilton for my 6 week check up (it was actually 8 weeks) and all
is well and the team are really happy with my progress.

While in Hamilton, I went out with Mum (who came with me for my 6 week check up) for dinner on Sunday night and I had a chicken breast stuffed with cream cheese with a seeded mustard creamy sauce on a bed of potato mash with roast veges.........TO DIE FOR. We also had breakfast (1.5 eggs benedict without the bagel or bacon) and lunch (bacon, mushroom and potato stack) while we were away in Hamilton and all went down really well.

I also got to catch up with Cheryl who had her op on the same day as me and she looks amazing, fantastic, happy and everything else positive I can think of.
She has lost an impressive 37+ kilos and is just beeming. It was so nice to talk to someone (even though we didn't nearly have enough time to gas bag) who is at the exact same point in their journey.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, I really don't celebrate my birthday but I had some wonderful friends over from Bangkok and it was lovely to spend time with them, which just happened to fall on my birthday.
Last weekend I also had a wee get together at home (which I didn't want to do but got talked into it) so mother, father, other friends and family got to celebrate with me.

I have been asked by a few people to put some progress photo's up BUT I don't want to yet. I figured every 3 months will be good as it should be noticable then. I have the dreaded 'before' photo's and will put them up with the 3 months ones (in 4 weeks).

Right, since I'm at work and want to get home, I'd better sign off. I'll update my ticker later.


Jaxx said...

Congrats on the loss :-)

Anne said...

Bet you feel wonderful!! Congrats!

Tracy said...

That is fantastic, over 20 kilos & into the 80's. You must be so excited.