Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shopping and very cold

Shopping has unfortunately started happening, not that I don't like shopping but I wanted to wait until I was further down in weight than I am. Anyway, I am mainly buying thermals (still) or long sleeve skivy type clothes and I have quite a collection now but they are not wasted because I am layering like you wouldn't believe.
I also went out and got a pair of jeans and 2 more wastcoats to wear around home but I guess I am being somewhat good and getting most of my stuff from The Warehouse or Farmers etc.

I spoke with the surgeon about being so cold as it is driving me up the bloody wall and he assured me it was 'normal' at the part of the process as I have lost my 'insulation' quickly and my body wasn't adjusting fast enough. He reckoned next winter will be much better but I will never lose the feeling cold again......bugger!
I am killing everyone else at home and work because I am constantly rugged up and then have heaters on as well.
I am currently at home with our heatpump going plus a smaller electric heater, I'm thinking about also putting the fire on. I have on socks, slippers a waistcoat, 2 thermals and a skivy and I'm still a wee bit cold. Mind you it is raining and miserable outside which doesn't help.

After speaking with Cheryl in Hamilton on Monday about her eating (she is way ahead of me and has tried much more) I have been trying a few more things and all has gone well. Zola told me to wait for the weekends to have a piece of toast but this morning I decided to just see if it would go down OK, so I had half a piece of toast with a slice of edam cheese and tomato, heaps of salt and pepper and it was excellent. I felt full afterwards and enjoyed eating it and it is now something different I can add to my breakfast menu. I am going to have a poached egg on toast for the weekend which I am also looking forward to.
I have been slacking off with my meals a wee bit the last week or so, so must get back into it. I have been looking around for a really good pan that is large enough for a family meal but a good cast iron one or something like that so it cooks evenly and doesn't burn on the edges etc and the only one's I really like are over $200 and I just can't justify that for 1 pan. Hopefully someone will have a HUGE sale soon and I can grab one.

My water intake has been shocking and so has the exercise, so I have just walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water to drink and will also go and do some homework soon to get in some exercise..............vacuuming should do it....LOL.

Right off I go..............catch ya later.


Tracy said...

Try wearing a hat, you lose most body heat via the head so a hat might help a bit.

It is worth buying an expensive pan, we are slowly replacing all of ours & the difference is amazing. We have 2 large cast iron ones which are great for frying and I just bought 2 circulon ones which are non stick, they are fantastic, omlettes slide off (so much so my daughterwanted me to put it back in the pan and do it again again).

Anonymous said...

Hey babe can you let me know when you are next heading to hamilton for your check up and if I can make it I will come and see you! Miss you loads - Jax

FREEDOM said...

I am so enjoying reading your blog Rachel you are sounding way more focused and on the ball than I am doing. I was eating toast but then all of a sundden it starting making me vomit so stopped. English muffin poached egg tomatoe and grated cheese yum yum yum

Hey check out for some great pans. i am having a party tomorrow week if you want to order anything EXCELLENT stuff pricey yes but certainly life time investment.

Are u going to the Meet and Greet in Palmerston would love to catch up
