Monday, July 26, 2010

Weigh in

Last week: 89.4kgs
This week: 89.4kgs
Loss: 0.0kgs

My scales were showing a small loss over the weekend but this morning - zip, narda, zilch..........oh well, I did have a very decent loss last week so I'm not complaining. I did eat out twice this week and had a couple of bourbons on the weekend, so all in all I had a very enjoyable week.

I'm told there will be a few plateau's along the way and I'm cool with that (suprisingly) and my clothes are getting smaller by the week and I am now getting much more comments about how good I look which is really weird as I think they might really mean it...........LOL.

I managed to get into not one but two pair of jeans that I bought from EZIBUY years ago and I just couldn't throw them away as they looked really nice on (when they fit). When I had one of the pairs on (the darker denim) everyone commented on how small my legs looked, so I don't think I'll be taking them off anytime soon....hahaha.

Work (own business only) has been really busy which is great (but exhausting for hubby) and still having to go to work of a night and manage a family has been quite challenging lately. I am taking all my required vitamins which I'm sure is helping me get through the days but I could really do with things a bit quieter. There are NEVER enough hours in a day.

I have my mate and her kids coming up from Wellington this coming weekend and I can't wait. Her mother passed away last week and she is the sibling that runs around and does everything as well as having the most active and busy family I know, so she will need a good rest. Her daughter has a basketball tournament on in Napier but apart from running to and from the basketball arena, we will be visiting wineries and going out to lunch quite a bit hopefully......(hubby will entertain the kids - oh and work...poor bugger).

Right, I must go and organise my kids rooms. We have been going to do it for nearly a week but THINGS keep getting in the way. We are going to seperate them into their own rooms again as being in the same room and getting them to go to sleep of a night just isn't working anymore, so seperate rooms it is! The elderest boy is as happy as larry as he is moving into the 'playroom' which has a tv on the wall and the little fella doesn't have one................mmmmm going to have to think about rules around that one I think or all hell will break loose.

See ya.

1 comment:

Anne said...

You're doing so well Rachel:-)

Great getting the comments.