Sunday, May 30, 2010


Arrived home yesterday afternoon and I am feeling amazing. I'm not on any drugs, mind you they only give you panadol after the op which amazes me but I'm feeling so great, I don't even need these.

The op went 'nearly' perfect, while I was on the operating table Dr Shroeder found I had a large Hiatas Hernia which he fixed as well as doing the tubular ligation and gastric bypass that did go perfectly. Triple whammy!

My weight this morning was 101.7kg which is a total loss so far of 8.4kgs.

I have been having yoghurt with mashed banana for breakfast and 1/2 cruskit for lunch with either cottage cheese or vegemite and cream cheese....yummmmmm.
For dinner last night I had one of my 'ice cubes' I made up before I went away with consisted of lamb steaks, potatoes, kumera, celery, leek, mushrooms, silverbeat and anything else I could think of, all blended into baby food consistancy and frozen into ice cubes.

I am suppose to be drinking 1 - 2L water a day but am struggling with this a wee bit, only because it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable when I drink water. I'm sure this will get better over time.

I met the most amazing ladies in hospital, 3 in total but 2 that I really got to know well and we had a ball in hosptial. We all marched up and down the corridors together and we even got in trouble one night as they were both in my room watching the final of American Idol and we were laughing so much the nurse closed our door and reminded us we were in a hospital................hahahaha.

Well that's all I can think of at the moment. I've just made a mean beef casserole with baked greens for dinner (for the rest of the family) and I'm now going to sit down and read my book for a while............chow.


Chris H said...

Awsome about getting the hernia fixed kinda 'for free'... wooo hooo.
Neat that you are feeling so good too. Long may it last.

Sue said...

Glad to hear you're doing so well!