Tuesday, May 11, 2010


107.8kg which is 200g heavier than last week but today's weight was done fully clothed..........LOL (which I figured will be done this way with my surgeon in 2 weeks). I'm positive that if I'd weighed myself first thing this morning - naked - I would have easily lost more weight compared to last week, but now we will never know. I am also going to measure myself as soon as I can find that blinkin measuring tape.

I'm feeling fabulous and positive and excited.

Hubby is really nervous and keeps telling mes so, which isn't helping me much but I know it makes him feel better to tell me.
I had a mishap when I broke my leg many years ago and asperated in the operating theatre and ended up in intensive care for a couple of days......this is why he is so nervous.........I of course didn't feel a thing so woke up quite happy and didn't know what all the fuss was about.
Mind you, I was about 10kg heavier at least, which didn't help.

I had my first Optifast chocolate shake this morning for breakfast and it was OK, I've had better....hahaha.

My Mum has decided to do the optifast diet with me (for support) bless her but I'm guessing it will be much harder for her as there is no 'prize' at the end of the fortnight like there is for me.
I hope she does really well.

Right I'm off to hang some curtains that I bought about 6 weeks ago. I finally got them out and ironed them last week and they have been sitting on my couch ever since.
I HATE hanging curtains, hate, hate, hate. Oh well, its gotta be done.


Chris H said...

I'm sure you will do well on the pre-op diet.. even if it is yuk!

Anne said...

Exciting for you!