Sunday, September 05, 2010

Father's Day

Well my father and hubby have both had a great day so far.

Presents were opened at some ungodly hour, big cooked breakfast was shared.
Dinner is a Lamb roast with all the trimmings. The kids went for a bike ride with myself and Andrew and we stopped and played rugby and soccer at the park. This was the first time I went on an 'outing' with hubby and the kids and actually participated and it felt great AND the kids thought it was awesome that Mum was with them. More of that to come in the future.

Now, the kids are sitting at the kitchen bench drinking chocolate milk and eating a sausage roll, I am drinking a coffee and watching the movie "he's just not that into you", my Dad is mowing the lawns and my husband has gone to golf.........a perfect day!

I have been on the treadmill a few times this week (running and walking) plus I've walked the kids to school a couple of times and with my 'bike ride' today, I'm feeling really energetic.................long may it continue.

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