Monday, September 20, 2010

Weigh in

Last week: 81.9kgs
This week: 81.8kgs
Loss: 100 grams (total -28.3)

Not totally unexpected as I had a couple of good weeks running, so it was bound to slow down at some stage.

Apart from the scales, I am having other little victories in this weightloss journey.

1st thing:
2 people that I haven't seen for a few months didn't reckonise me on the weekend AT ALL which was really funny. One was a guy that I don't know that well but he knows hubby well and he actually introduced himself to me while I was talking to him????? I thought he was pulling my leg but when I told him it was me, he got all embarrassed and asked if I'd grown my hair longer or something.......hahahaha. I said "yeah something like that"......hahaha.

2nd thing:
I have a top on this morning that I bought in Hamilton (last visit) that was way to small at the time but I loved it and it was cheap, so I got it............this morning it fit!!!

3rd thing:
My Mum has just gotten back from Australia and bought me the cutest little dress with matching purse, shoes, and necklace and earrings (I know, spoilt much?) AND 2 pair of the cutest little undies I've ever seen (tiny little boy pants things that look like they would fit a 10 year old). So for a joke I tried them on AND THEY FIT ME. This is huge for me because I have ALWAYS wore the 'granny panites' as they have always been comfortable and held everything in (sorry TMI?) but these are the first pair of undies that are cute and fashionable and I love them. All I want to do now is go out and buy heaps more but I'll hold off for a few more months.

So even though I only lost 100g on the scales this morning, I feel my shape is now LOOKING different and I am more confident to wear clothes with SHAPE.

I got up this morning and got the kids ready for school and we were actually a little early (nearly NEVER happens in this house) so they asked if we could walk to school and I suprised everyone by saying YES (even myself). I'm finding I'm saying YES to heaps of things now rather than saying NO and then trying to think of an excuse as to why I have said no (rather than admitting I'm just too lazy). It is a fantastic feeling and the kids (and dog who also gets to come) get out and about more, so its got to be a great thing for the whole family.


JustJo said...

YAY for cute knickers!!! AND cute dresses!!! Fantastic stuff girl! And you can bet your ass I will be in touch next weekend when we are up your way - you just try to stop me! hehehe... can't wait :)

FREEDOM said...

well done you on so many counts

Chris H said...

How about a recent photo? Of you, not the undies! lol

Jenny said...

Loved this post. You have come a long way and this is just the beginning :)
Big hugs :)

Anne said...

I've been popping in from time to time, it's great to see your progress:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi RAch - Jax here - so so pleased that you are doing well! Am glad you are happy and feeling fine! Big hugs and know that you are always in my heart my dear and wonderful friend.