Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Style consultants

I remembered that I had taken a photo of Helena from the other night when the girls came and did my make-up for me.

The photo of Jo is a self taken photo....................she does it so well.

The one of me was taken by my hubby and I don't know if you can tell or not but Helena did one side of the make-up and Jo did the other.


Kate said...

You look gorgeous!!

Anne said...

You really are looking stunning!!! Love the hair and makeup:)

Bel said...

What a great photo Rachel! You look great.

I think you need to update your profile picture with this one!


Ang said...

You really do look fab!!

Anonymous said...

OMG you look STUNNING!!!! YOU Rock girl.. Now you have to use that photo as your blog photo as the other one is not you he he he now anyway.


14pk said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, you look fantastic. Glad you had a good night too.

Name: Lynise said...

I agree with CM, you look so different to your blog pic. The girls (Helena and Jo) did a great job with your makeup as I certainly couldn't tell the difference between the two sides.
Thanx for posting the picnic shots, nice to see girls from other blogs I read.
ciao for now