Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 1 (of 14)

Day 1 over and done with and I did fantastically.

I drank ALL my water (2 litres) plus some and BOY did my bladder feel it PLUS I think I did enough exercise just running to the toilet and back without needing anymore.

BUT I did unhook the ole' treadmill and managed a brisk 20 minute walk which nearly killed me (boy its been a long time) and I felt elated afterwards.

My eating was also brilliant and I had my morning shake about 9.15am and then my lunch shake around 1pm. By dinner time I was absolutely starving and managed to polish off the remaining huge salad and tiny bit oflasagna from last night which was (again) yummy.

Jumped on the scales this morning and was happy to see a kilo gone, so I'm hoping to double that (at least) by the end of the week.

Today's plan:
More treadmill (either longer or a faster speed)
All my water (look out bladder)
2 x shakes (not a problem)
Either chicken or Steak for dinner

I have also made up a huge salad that is sitting in the fridge for when I get hungry (as well as for my dinner) as I found that I was really hungry late afternoon as well as first thing in the morning. I just looked at my watch and it is 9.45am and I haven't had my 1st shake yet which is leaving it way too late, so I will have to work on having that earlier.

We have more guests staying Saturday and Sunday and then more arriving Monday for either 2 or 3 days. This makes 'things' difficult when having to cook for other people and try to explain to them why I'm either not eating (what they are) or why I'm having a shake etc and then listen to their opinion on it all (which I can do without but sit there smiling and listening).

Be back tomorrow.


Chris H said...

Great going girl... I must plug my treadmill in too... and the exercycle!

Jenny said...

LOL Must get on my treadmill too. Had visitors that stayed most of afternoon LOL Mind you I have to walk to shops for more milk so that will be something :)
We are doing well. :)