Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 13 (of 14)

Ok the scales were back down a wee bit this morning (after my pill worked) so I'm pleased about that.
The weather has been really hot so I drank about 3 litres of water yesterday - no kidding!

We are having a BBQ tonight which is great because I'm ready for a nice big salad (which I haven't had for a few days) and a juicy piece of steak.....yum.

I have a 21st to go to tonight but I've bailed out as we have my father-in-law here (who was also invited) and we haven't seen him in 5 years so we really want some quiet time with him as he is leaving for Aussie tomorrow.
PLUS I am WAY PAST going to 21st, I enjoyed it in my 20's but now I'm nearly 40 I think I'll pass. There is going to be 70+ people and most of them (at least 50) are the birthday boys age....eeeek!

Another beautiful day in Hawkes Bay (30+ degrees) and I am very comfortable now walking around in singlet tops. I'm really pissed at myself that I haven't worn singlet tops for YEARS (since my early teens) because I had such a hang up on how big my arms were (still are but I don't really care now).
It is soooooooo much cooler than I expected and I am loving the extra variety I now have when I go shopping.

Right, there's vacuuming to do so I'm off (exciting eh?).


Jenny said...

well done Rach :) I know what you mean about sleeveless tops.LOL I only used to wear them in Oz but do at home now too :)
Have a great week and thnk of me with you know who **winks**

Anne said...

Good on you wearing the sleeveless tops, it's all about liking and accepting your body:-)

Hot here as well - love it!