Monday, March 26, 2007

And again

Well I loved Hydro that much that I got my sorry butt out of bed Sunday morning and went and did another class........LOL go figure!
This one wasn't a circuit class it was called Xtreme Hydro and it was more an aerobics work out (if that makes sense).

I don't know what happened to my tracking but Saturday night we had visitors and I made heaps of food (dessert included) and I just ate and ate and ate. I didn't once watch my points and even ate dessert and I NEVER eat dessert. It was a BBQ so I did manage to eat lots of salad but I then went back and got more meat (and I cooked creamed paua's......ouch!).
Sunday I got up and went to Hydro thinking I would work it off but then managed to eat all the left overs from the night before during the course of the day.

If I could work 7 days a week I would be able to stick to points religiously but get me home and I fall to pieces.

So anyway I'm back at work and drinking gallons of water (something I also didn't do on the weekend) and hoping to make up for my terrible eating on the weekend.
The thing that really gets me is, I didn't need all that food and I didn't really feel like everything I ate, I just went back to the old Rachel and ate everything because it was there and ended up feeling bloated and sick.... dumb, dumb, dumb.

Right I've finished feeling sorry for myself and I am going to go for a MAJOR walk at lunch and drink my water (did I already say that?) and eat my WW cereal for breakfast (yum, I do love WW cereal) and start behaving like a healthly person rather than Miss Piggy :)


Anne said...

Told you that you would enjoy aqua!!

My weekends are always hard to deal with as well.

Chris H said...

Oh don't sweat it mate, we all have moments like that... just so long as they don't contine for days and days. All is not lost in one meal.. hope it was yummy!

Anonymous said...

lol @ Miss Piggy ... *oink*

Jules said...

I have always been really bad at home and really good elsewhere. It's that boredom, coping mechanism thing.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Weekends suck at my house too ..
I just looooove food..
I hear of some people that have a free meal a week..
haha I have 2 free days...
Well I still manage a loss its ok..