Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Weigh in

Lost 400grams bring me down to 97.9kgs (total loss of 12.4).

I was rapt with that result and went home and had the yummiest fish and salad dinner. Only a couple of weeks ago, I would 'reward' myself with a treat on my weigh in night (ie. Burger King, Subway, chinese etc) but thought about it and realised that it was then taking extra effort to work that off (HELLO Rachel !!!) so now I don't do that anymore and I think it is really going to help me.

I have been really slack on my exercise and steps (results below) so if I can only get the eating and exercise in sync I will be ON FIRE.

Steps for last week:

12/1/07 - 5907
13/1/07 - 6217
14/1/07 - 5176
15/1/07 - 7028
16/1/07 - 5977

Averaging - 6061 per day which is well below what I was aiming for, so this weeks challenge will be to increase my steps.


Lynda said...

Well done on your loss Rachel and also for not "rewarding" yourself with bad food.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo on the loss hun and OMG isn't it funny how now we are all thinking about changing habits and thinking about it... well done for finding a habit that wasn't helping you and not rewarding yourself with food anymore..
You ROCK hun
Love CM

Sue said...

Yay for the loss and double yay for the healthy food after!

Chris H said...

AS the others said, ya for you... keep it up. As for the steps, yep pick it up and you may be amazed at your results!

Anonymous said...

We'd make a good team - you have the food sorted, I have the exercise. lol. If only I could steal from you. hehe

Awesome work on the loss,

Bel said...

Congratulations on the loss!

And thanks for your comment. It means a lot to me!


Kate said...

Another loss - good on you!