Well I had a very busy weekend but think I managed it quite well.
Saturday I did all my housework as we had visitors for dinner and wanted everything spick and span. Chinese for dinner and I think I did really well, stuck to all the vegetable dishes and stayed away from the battered fish and chicken with lemon and sweet and sour sauce.
I also had apple danish for desserts with custard and cream and managed to dish everyone up a plate except me.........YAY Rachel!
We had HEAPS leftover and I usually have a field day the next day but didn't have 1 little mouthfull which Andrew was quite pleased about as he got Chinese for breakfast on his birthday.
If you remember me saying, I got Andrew a nail gun which I thought was brilliant as he has a deck to finish and we are re-fencing our whole property plus he loves tools BUT what was the reaction I got when he opened it you ask?????? "Oh, that was a waste of money wasn't it? I will hardly use it" guess who wasn't impressed? Oh yes that would be me!!!!! Grrrrr ungrateful little so and so.
That didn't start the day very well for any of us but while he toddled off to golf, the boys and I still got his roast ready for dinner plus an apple crumble and baked him a birthday cake (I deserve a blinkin' medal sometimes).
When he got back from golf, we took the kids to the park for a while which they loved as they had been stuck inside the day before because of the horrible rain. Roast for dinner and apple crumble for dessert (I didn't have any), and banana/chocolate birthday cake (I had one small piece).
I ended the day with a lovely hot bath and then finished off my Da Vinci Code book.....aarrgghh
All in all I reckon I didn't do too bad over the weekend for food............it could have been better but at least I have broken my old habits of just pigging out and then moaning about it afterwards. Roll on weigh in tomorrow night..........hehehehe.
Hi Rach, sorry to have missed your call yesterday, had Codys birthday at chipmunks, got very very drunk on Sat night needless to say yesterday went very slowly. You did V well on the weekend! Good for you I went for a 9km walk on the weekend and really enjoyed it. Chat soon love you lots. Jax
grrrrr! dont you hate it when youve put thought and effort into a gift and you get that kind of reaction!!
sounds like you were wonder woman this weekend, all the cleaning and cooking, and you did so well on your eating too!! very cool weekend by the sounds of it!
Great choices with the food over the weekend Rachel, hope the scales aer kind to you!!
Men - they don't think before they apeak sometimes!
He was obviously just concerned about the money?!? Gotta hate that reaction tho.
You did FANTASTICALLY over the weekend.
Wow sounds like you had a great weekend hun! And it sounds like you were wonder woman indeed with all that cleaning and cooking!!!!
GRRRR to Andrew for his comments but I bet deep down he loves it! Men they can be so hard to please at times!!!
the thoughts of "nailing your balls to the wall" take on a whole new meaning for me now LMAO! you are a star, i am so impressed with your resolve to you!
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