Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Weigh day

Another kilo bites the dust........105.9kgs now which is 4.4kgs in total, not bad if I say so myself.

I went and got my Subway on the way home (my treat for the week) and really enjoyed it.
Got home and had my bestest mate Jax ring for a good ole girlie chat (thanks honey!) and got to bed around 9pm to read my latest book 'Digital Fortress' by Dan Brown.

I also remembered to pack my sneakers/runners today with my huge salad and a bit of left over chicken that the boys had last night for dinner. I fully intend to go for a nice brisk walk at lunchtime while the weather is so lovely (don't forget I melt when it rains.......LOL).

Andrew was determined to take back that bloody nail gun I got him and get a concrete mixer and seeing as I had the docket, I met him down there. I managed to get a credit on the HP I started plus the $149.00 extra back for the nails and deck attachment thingy AND that ungrateful husband of mine ended up with NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! Mitre 10 didn't have any concrete mixers so I told him he would have to just wait until a later date..............ha, that showed him!!

Righto best I get back to work *major sigh*................ ta ta for now :)


Anonymous said...

Rach did you realise you have lost more weight in 4 weeks than you have in the whole time you have been blogging!!!! Next year when you come and visit we will met in Auckland and we will go and get you some new clothes as a treat. However you will be able to fit those clothes you brought last time you came to visit me, remember all i could say was, oh my god, oh my god, you looked incredible. Good for you sister sledge!!! Love you long time.

Anne said...

Wow - another great loss Rachel!!

Had a laugh at Andrew dipping out on his pressie. That'll teach him!!

Anonymous said...

Well done for the loss Rach that is fantastic.

Love CM

Ang said...

Another fantastic week! Well done, especially with all the challenges you faced.

Lol @ Andrew.

There really is something great about that fresh spring sunshine!!!

Karen said...

Awesome loss hun! Another great loss and so well deserved!
LOL @ Andrew missing out... that will teach him a lesson :)

Carla said...

LMAO blardy ungrateful men!!!! hehe good job!

fantastic loss chick!! well done!!


Helena said...

awesome loss mate! Welldone! ... now I'm thinking concrete gumboots ...

Kt said...

wow, u r doing awesome :)
