Monday, May 21, 2007

Great weekend

What a great weekend I've had, one of those weekends that I really feel I've done something but am still relaxed at the end of it.

After work I went home with my sister and we got changed and she straightened my hair (loved that!) and we cracked a bottle of wine. I had only had a banana for lunch thinking that I would 'save myself' for dinner as I new we were going to have dinner at the Working Mens club so the wine went straight to my head and I was the life of the party before the party started.........LOL
My sister eventually dragged me upstairs for something to eat and I vaugely remember going back for a second plate of food (loved their fried rice) and then a small plate of dessert (a little fudge cake and pav). I won a meat pack so I was extra happy (if that was possible) and then danced the night away. Remember I said I would proberly be home by 9.30pm.......nope it was 10pm hahahaha god I'm sad!

Even after Jules comment that I would have more sense and not get paraletic as I had to sit through a hair appointment - nope - got paraletic and sat through my hair appointment with LOTS of panadols in my system. My hair dresser laughed because the last 3 times I have been I have been hungover which led me to believe I got out on average every 6 weeks (not too bad).
Got home from my hair appointment (got about 4 inches cut off - ooohhhh I will take a photo soon) and made a chocolate cake with the kids and then we went outside to play cricket for a while. Had one or two drinks that night with hubby but came to my senses and moved onto coffee.

Rang a girlfriend I have been trying to catch up with for weeks and we met at Lollipop at 10.30am so the kids (my 2 boys and her 2 girls - all the same age) could run around and left about 1pm.
Got home and dragged some furniture of my Mum's which we have been looking after for her into the boys room as they have been sharing a tall boy and it just isn't big enough now. Made a yummy chicken dinner (with my meat pack stuff) and then got everything sorted for today (lunches, bags packed etc) and then went and had an hour long bath (fell asleep) and was in bed by 9.30pm .... noice!

Reece unfortunately came home on Friday with a MASSIVE dose of conjunctivitis and his eyes were swollen shut and gunked up (poor kids) but we dosed him with Bleph-10 eyedrops and by this morning it was cleared up........brilliant stuff!

The only thing to spoil my 'happy' feeling this morning was dropping Reece off at school and twisting my back when I got out of my Patrol (big 4x4)......ouch!
So I am sitting here in a bit of pain but I'm tuff and will just get on with it (as you do!).


Anne said...

Rachel the party animal!! Sounds as if you had a fun weekend!

Hope your back comes right soon.

Jules said...

I SO knew you would sit in that hairdressers chair with a hangover!!!!!!

Sounds like a pearler of a night. As with the rest of the weekend.

How do you find the Patrol, is it a 7 seater?? We have to buy a 4x4 and I just can't decided on what to get. Want one with plenty of room for the 6 of us and our new dog.