Monday, May 21, 2007


Post below explains these photo's.

Not too bad in the first,

pretty pathetic (and trying to focus) in the 2nd.

Maria (birthday girl) is on the left in both photo's and in the first photo my sister Kim is in the middle and in the second photo, it is another lady we work with.

Just in case anyone was wondering - NO I definately hadn't saved enough points for that night..........LOL


Chubbymum said...

Yep yep yep you don't hold the liquor well do ya he he he I remember our night out and you went home early he he you are the funniest person... love ya


Lyn said...

lol but looks like you had a good time tho!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Ha ha ha.... But you had a top night didnt you!!!

Mel. said...

Oh well as long as you had fun. Looks like you did.