Thursday, May 24, 2007


Andrew's fault totally...........hahahahaha!

Andrew rang me at 4pm and said that one of the other reps couldn't go to a comedy night last night and did I want to go......oh yeah!!

We went into Wellington and had Indian for dinner (spinach dish - yum!) and Andrew had some lamb creamy dish (I only had a taste as it was too creamy for me) with rice and raita (yoghurt, cucumber etc.) and 2 glasses of wine (within a day THAT weekely goal went out the window). We then went to the Bathhouse and watched the Ben Hurley Choice show which consisted of Ben Hurley (MC) who was hilarious and two of his comedic choices (Alan Pitchard and someone else) who were both very good. The show went for 2 hours and I had another glass of wine in that time......not too bad really.

Got home and both kids were a little off colour (I HATE WINTER MONTHS), Adam has quite a bad cold and Reece's conjunctivities is back. I think with Reece we should have continued the drops even after it had cleared up (or so we thought). The other lady I work with is also off (2nd day today) with a bad cold so I HAD to come to work which means Andrew is home with the boys......hehehehe. I shouldn't laugh really because he is brilliant with them but he does have a short fuse and I have already had 2 phone calls off them and it is only 9.02am.

So a brilliant night out but not so good with the sick kids (poor little mites).

Back I go to no drinking for the rest of the week - OK?

My back is feeling brilliant today but I won't risk going to hydro tonight but will go for a walk at lunchtime as the weather looks great.


Anne said...

LOL at you blaming Andrew. Sounds like you enjoyed the night and you still did really well! That's the main thing!

Hope your boys soon come right - such a hard time of the year for kids. also hard to juggle around their care when they are not well.

Christine said...

It's raining here in Canada, so don't feel bad about the winter months :) Thanks for coming by my blog - much appreciated and will be coming back to see how you are doing.

Chris H said...

I hate the winter months so much, Griffin coughs non stop from now till about Novemeber... and if Brylee gets a cold her nose runs for months too... yuk yuk yuk. Hope your two get better soon.

Anonymous said...

OMG sooo much sympathy with sore back hun...... I understand totally.

Poor little men.... hope they feel better soon.

Love Chubbymum