Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Near perfection

Had a great day yesterday.

Steps: 5309 (really bad but gives me a starting point)
Took my multi-vitamin
Food: 100%
Water: 100%
Excercise: No bike (didn't get it inside but aiming for tonight)

So I was quite pleased with my efforts even if they weren't perfect.

Things to work on today:
1. Increasing those steps
2. Lunch time walk (its not suppose to rain - fingers crossed I won't melt)
3. Get back to planned weekly meals (I don't know why I stopped this as it was working)
4. Water, water, water! (On my 2nd bottle and peeing like a trooper)

I have weigh in tonight which I am going to even though I have put on, I need to be accountable and front up. I am also still going to give myself a mini reward at the end of each week if I have stuck to my guns (ie. lipstick etc). I also still have my more major rewards for when I hit those bigger milestones.

My mind is in the right space at the moment and I am going to try everything in my power to keep it there.


Anne said...

Wish my mind was in right place:-(

Good to hear you sounding so motivated, have a great week.

Chubbymum said...

Well done hun. You are going to get there. You are aware now and things will be going in the right direction. It is so hard isn't it hun.... but just know we are going through the same thing and we are here for ya.

Love ya

Lyn said...

I'm having a day like this today too ... my headspace is sooo there ... first time in ages!!!!

Yay go us!!!!

Chris H said...

Good luck chick! Thinking of you down there, hope it didn't rain at lunchtime and stop ya walking.

Christine said...

Good for you. Awesome idea about the little mini rewards. Take care!

Felicity said...

good to see u are in a good space well done