Tuesday, May 23, 2006

End of Day 1

Well day 1 went splendidly, I drank my water, did my exercise and managed to control my eating (even at dinner which is my worse time of the day).
I am feeling very positive at the moment and have had some lovely comments with wishes of support which is always really nice.
Don't ya just wish you could keep this positive feeling all the time? Anyway - onwards and upwards I say!

Didn't really do much else last night apart from my moutains of ironing which took me nearly 2 hours *groan* but at least it is done and out of the way for another week (or two).

I am really looking forward to being able to fit back into some of my winter clothes I have in my wardrobe that I bought last year when I got down to 93.6kgs. At the moment I have 2 pair of work pants and 2 or 3 tops that fit and I bet everyone is already sick of me wearing the same old things day after day but I refuse to go and buy bigger sizes!!!!

It is absolutely piddling down today, so instead of my lunchtime walk I think I will go to the gym (left my rain coat in our other car).

I thought I would keep track of my progress on here as well so I can look back and see how much I have improved (positive thinking...............LOL).

Food: Excellent
Water: 1.5 – 2.0lts
Exercise: 2.5km walk at lunch

1 comment:

Ang said...

Arghhh dinner is my worst time too.

But at least we are aware of it, I'm sure you're doing a great job to 'control' your eating at tea time.

Take care,
and just remember how good this positive feeling feels!!